Sunday Funday!

 I have been wanting to knit for quite a while now and this weekend I finally took the time to try it. I found a YouTube video and picked the knitting needles from my sister and gave it a shot! 

While I was trying my son asked if he could try. He picked some needles and yarn and learned to knit and much better then me!! He has been at it all weekend and it’s awesome to see his hands busy creating!


I am much better at crotcheting so I got cozy near the wood stove and caught up on Downton Abby. 


Sunday Night Tradition!


Sunday nights are Downton Abby nights!

My sisters and I “watch” the show together even though we are each in different towns and one sister in another state! I look forward to texting us each other and commenting on the show as the drama unfolds!

Last night I made blueberry scones- an idea I stole from one of my sisters.

Soo yummy!

Needless to say they didn’t last long!

The Importance of a Schedule


It’s hard to believe that this was what my life looked like almost five years ago!

It has always been a priority of mine to get up before the rest of the household does. It’s a habit I learned from my mom who got up at 4:30 every morning to get ready for the day. I don’t suggest that you get up that early, you need to figure out what works the best for you and your family, but getting up before the kids has many benefits.

  1. You have time to have your coffee, brush your teeth, watch the news in peace. I am very grumpy if I have to take care of others the minute my feet hit the floor.
  2. You can get a workout in. Don’t much time or energy? Been there trust me! Check out Pinterest for a 6 minute workout- it will get you going and you have to start somewhere!
  3. You can shower- alone. No door rattling, mommy calling interruptions, no rushing- just a long leisurely shower. Imagine that.
  4. You have time to read, pay bills, read your blogs, check facebook – all guilt free.
  5. You can get the house organized before you start the day and it will be clean even if it’s just for a little while!

Decide what works best for your schedule and be sure to get to sleep at a decent hour! Be consistent and give it a good three weeks for it to become a habit!

Did You Do Something to Fill Your Cup Today?


Did you do something to fill your cup today? 

I started a new book that I received in a meeting at work today. It’s by an author I find very insightful and encouraging- John Maxwell. The book is titled the “5 Levels of Leadership” and I am  so excited to read it!

I have always loved to read and what can be better than reading about encouraging others!

I hope you took some time for you!

What Motivates You?


For me it’s many things.

It’s listening to a woman tell her life story and the challenges she faced.

It’s inspirational quotes, it’s my family, it’s reaching a goal I set for myself, it’s Proverbs 31.

It’s music.

Music moves me.

It makes me dance, it helps me breathe, it takes me away even if it’s just for a little while.

It brings my dreams into reality.