How I Unwind

Early this morning I took some time to clear my head.  After stretching a bit I went for a run. It wasn’t very long and I was really tired but the accomplishment was actually doing it! Afterwards I walked in my backyard and listened to sounds of nature.  The sky was amazing and looking up at it was a reminder of the limitless promises that God gives us!  

Menu Planning

Whether you are single, it’s just you and your spouse, or you have a family it is crucial to your financial health to keep a budget. Part of sticking to a budget is planning out a menu.

Here is how mine works:

  1.  Through trial and error I figured how much I need to feed my family every week and I budget my menu accordingly. I know how much I spend on bananas, bread, cereal, meat, etc. I only take cash with me to the store.
  2. I create my menu at the same time that I make my list. This helps to ensure that I buy all ingredients that I need and if my meals are pushing my grocery bill up to high I might decide to save it for another week. 
  3. I shop once a week. Stopping at the store during the week wastes time and money. And it causes stress! I ran into a friend of mine at the grocery store the other day. I had to use all the strength in my arms just to steer the cart and she was pushing around this little half cart. Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head when she saw me coming! She was picking up a few things while I was making my ridiculously huge shopping trip, but I don’t have to go back this week!
  4. I don’t use coupons for food. For me I don’t find that I can save any money that way. I have a Wegmans grocery store where I live. Their prices on staples are pretty consistent. I love their generic brands too! They are produced by reputable companies and packaged with the Wegmans label. *** side note to those unfortunate souls who do not have a Wegmans- it is literally the Disney World of grocery shopping! It’s even a point of interest for visitors on this area!***
  5. I coincide it with my schedule. I save the big time consuming meals for the nights when I home and plan quick meals for the nights when we have wrestling matches, track meets, and orchestra concerts.

Once you start planning you will wonder how you ever managed without it!


Getting Back On Track

My spring calendar was filled with birthdays, fun get togethers, and my son’s graduation plans. Every weekend was spent getting the house painted and landscaped for the grad party which this time around we decided to host at our home rather than a lodge. There were track meets and Track Booster Club meetings. Coffee with friends and a quick trip to Connecticut to celebrate my nieces birthday!  

The day of the grad party it rained. The original vision I had of guests sitting poolside, playing games in the yard and my sons’ band playing outside on the lawn had to be replaced with a new vision. Instead we had tents set up and white lights strung while the band and guest packed themselves under the tents.

Monday morning when everything finally ended I cried! I cried from exhaustion and disappointment because of the rain ruining my dream of a perfect party. I cried because I was worried about what people may have thought about my home and the mud and grass. I reminded myself that my house is decorated with love and that alone gives it character. 

Now I am attempting to get myself back on track this summer. I need to get reorganized and tend to my budget once again. I plan on trying out some new healthy recipes and planting some container gardens. 

That’s the beauty of a new day, a new week, even a new hour. We can choose to get refocused and start over immediately. We can choose that tonight will be the night that we start excersing and eating healthy. Maybe today is the day that you choose to mend a relationship. Right this minute you can send an encouraging text or even handwrite a letter.  

Today is the day that I choose to start fresh.


Prepping For My Second 5K

I started running this past November which was something I never thought I would do.  I followed the Couch To 5K Plan for my first 5K which is a great way to keep on a schedule and a routine.

I will be running in my second one this summer and this time around I’m trying to mix up my workout a bit to keep it fun!

Tonight I walked up this hill knowing the reward I was have at the top!


It was unbelievable!

What a great burn in my legs and it really picked up my heart rate! I plan to do a lot of hiking this summer!

I work inside all day and at the end of the day I can’t wait to travel back home to the country! I love watching sunsets and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

Most everything can wait- chores, cleaning, laundry- I just want to be outside.